Come and visit us this Sunday at Morayfield State High School, 70 Visentin Road, Morayfield at 9.30am
We are a congregation of the Lord’s church meeting in Morayfield. We are part of a brotherhood stretching around the world but are autonomous as a local group. Our distinctiveness is bound up in our plea – we are not aligned with either Catholicism or Protestantism but are simply Christians advocating the unity of all those who profess to follow Jesus.
If you would like to visit us, be assured there are no peculiar dress codes or daunting protocols to be worried about. Our aim is to embarrass no one. Enter the main gate of the Morayfield High School (diagonally opposite the train station) and park anywhere in the front car park. Make your way to the classroom nearest the carpark and there will be someone to greet you. Things will take care of themselves after that. Feel free to sit anywhere – ask questions – take literature – participate in worship or just observe. Know that you will be our welcome guest.
We love Children. Jesus said of such is the kingdom of Heaven. At present we have few children, but a class is provided for them in the Bible Class period.
We meet each Sunday but we like to get together at other times. Big city living with distances and time restraints make fellowship more difficult than in earlier times. One thing we do is those who are able meet on Wednesday mornings at various homes. We pray and sing together, study the Bible, and enjoy fellowship over morning tea. If you would like to be a part of this, just get in contact for the relevant time and location.
Sunday Worship at 9.30am followed by morning tea and fellowship around 11am and then dive into bible class from 11.30am. Our midweek groups meet on Wednesday morning at 10am in homes.